Can You Put Solar Panels on a Thatched Roof?

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as a source of renewable energy. They can be installed on a wide range of surfaces, including roofs. However, when it comes to installing solar panels on a thatched roof, there are several unique challenges that need to be taken into consideration. In this article, we will explore some…

Are Thatched Roofs Fireproof?

Thatched roofs are a beautiful and traditional roofing option for many homes, but they are also at risk of fire damage. In fact, thatched roofs are considered a higher risk for fire than other types of roofs due to the flammable nature of the thatch material. However, there are steps you can take to fireproof…

Are Thatched Roofs Dangerous?

Thatched roofs are a traditional roofing material made up of natural materials such as straw, reeds, and other plant-based materials. While they can add an authentic touch to any property, it is important to consider the potential dangers associated with them. Fire Hazard One of the biggest dangers associated with having a thatched roof is…

How to Get Rid of Rats in a Thatched Roof

Rats are a common pest that can cause a variety of problems, especially when they infest a thatched roof. Thatched roofs are particularly vulnerable to rat infestations due to the nature of their construction, which can provide ample hiding places and entry points for these rodents. Not only can rats damage the thatch, but they…

How is a Thatched Roof Waterproof?

Thatched roofs have been around for centuries and are a beautiful and traditional roofing option for many homes. However, one of the main concerns with thatched roofs is their ability to withstand rain and other forms of water damage. Luckily, there are many steps you can take to make your thatched roof waterproof and protect…

Reed roof thatching example

What are thatched roofs made of?

What are thatched roofs made of? Generally, thatched roofs are made from one of three types of materials; either water reed, combed wheat reed or straw. There are other types of thatching materials such as palm, heather and rushes, however these are less common. Each method varies in application, style and longevity, however, each material…

Why Get A Thatched Roof?

If you’re wondering whether you should get a thatched roof, then you’ve come to the right place. We are here to inform you on the advantages and the disadvantages of thatched roofs, as well as the different types you can get.  What is a thatched roof? A thatched roof is the oldest type of roof…

Reed roof thatching example

How long does a thatched roof last?

Finding out how long a thatched roof is likely to last is one of the first questions you’ll ask yourself before getting a full roof rethatch. Unfortunately, the answer to the question is dependent on both the thatch roof material as well as the skill level of the thatcher, however, we will talk about the…

How much will it cost you to re-thatch a roof?

No two thatched properties are alike, which is why we use a variety of factors to determine the cost of re-thatching your roof.  What customers actually pay for Since construction cost estimates can be confusing, we’ve broken the process down to illustrate how we will price your re-thatch. The cost of a re-thatch depends on…